Media type: E-Book; Performed Music Title: Saxophone Recital: Gusnar, Pawel - POKRZYWINSKA, M. / RATUSINSKA, W. / HUSZCZA, A.M. / BEMBINOW, M. (Saxophone Varie) Contains: Invitation 00:07:26 -- SaHarBAD 00:07:58 -- Nimfy II (Nymphs II): I. Nereidy; II. Oready; III. Driady 00:10:07 -- AbySsus 00:13:42 -- Maly Szkic 00:08:43 -- Petla Histerezy 00:12:16 -- Dreaming Tiffany before the breakfast 00:08:01 -- KOMEDitAtion 00:08:15 -- Contributor: Komponist; Komponist; Bembinow, Milosz Komponist; Huszcza, Anna Maria Komponist; Przybylski, Dariusz Komponist; Ratusinska, Weronika Komponist Published: DUX, 140602 Published in: DUX Language: Not determined; German Keywords: zeitgenössisch ; Musik Computer- und Netzwerkressourcen ; Kammermusik Origination: Recording information: , Komponist -- , Komponist -- , Harfe -- , Klavier -- Bembinow, Milosz, Komponist -- Bokszczanin, Jan Bartlomiej, Orgel -- Gusnar, Pawel, Saxophon -- Huszcza, Anna Maria, Komponist -- Przybylski, Dariusz, Komponist -- Ratkowska, Alina, Cembalo -- Ratusinska, Weronika, Komponist Footnote: Streaming audio Systemvoraussetzungen (minimale Voraussetzungen): MS Windows 98SE, 2000, XP with MS IE 6.0 / Mozilla 1.7.1 / FireFox 1PR / Netscape 7.1 / Opera 7.53 and Media Player 9.0 / 10.0 Access State: Restricted Access | Information to licenced electronic resources of the SLUB