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Media type:
Performed Music
VAN HEUSEN, J.: Poupées de Paris (Les) (The Dolls of Paris) [Musical] (Bailey, Berle, Charisse, Joe Reisman Orchestra, Reisman)
Les Poupées de Paris (The Dolls of Paris): Overture; The Bathtub Scene - Don't Say Paris, Say Paree; You Can't Make it Anywhere; A Night of Horror; It's a Living; ... / Van Heusen, Jimmy 00:43:16 --
Streaming audio
Systemvoraussetzungen (minimale Voraussetzungen): MS Windows 98SE, 2000, XP with MS IE 6.0 / Mozilla 1.7.1 / FireFox 1PR / Netscape 7.1 / Opera 7.53 and Media Player 9.0 / 10.0