• Media type: E-Book; Performed Music
  • Title: Vocal Music (Tenor) - GLINKA, M.I. / TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I. / GURILYOV, A. (Russian Songs and Romances of the 19th Century) (Kotelnikov, Rabovsky, Maley)
  • Other titles: Nishchaja (Beggar)
    Along the Street a Snowstorm Is Raging
    Over the Highlands
    Zimniy vecher (Winter Evening)
    Separation, "At the Dawn of Hazy Youth"
    The Swallow Circles
    Monotonously Rings the Little Bell
    Ya pomnyu chudnoye mgnoven'ye (I recall a wonderful moment)
    Proshchaniye s Peterburgom (A Farewell to St. Petersburg): No. 6. Poputnaya pesnya (Travelling Song); No. 10. Zhavoronok (The Lark)
    Ein Sonnernchtstraum, Op. 21 and Op. 61 (Auszüge)
    The Rendezvous
    My bluebells, flowers of the steppe
    Net, ne ljublju ja Vas (No, I Do Not Love You)
    In Difficult Moments in Life
    Do Not Awaken Memories
    6 Romanzen op. 63
    6 Romanzen op. 73
    Khotel bi v edinoye slovo (For one simple word)
    Turn Away, Don't Look
    That Young and Wondrous Century
    You Can Not Understand My Grief
    V krovi gorit ogon zhelanya (The fire of longing burns in my heart)
    Somneniye (Doubt)
    6 Romanzen op. 6 (Text von L.A. Mey)
    6 Romanzen op. 38 (Text von A.K. Tolstoy)
    6 Romanzen op. 28: Nr. 6 Strashnaya minuta (Der ängstliche Moment) (Text von Tchaikovsky)
    Gori, gori, moya zvezda (Shine, Shine, My Star) (arr. V. Sabinin)
  • Contributor: Alyabiev, Alexander Alexandrovich Komponist; Bulakhov, Pavel Petrovich Komponist; Bulakhov, Peter Komponist; Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich Komponist; Gurilev, Alexander Lvovich Komponist; Gurilyov, Alexander Komponist; Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich Komponist; Varlamov, Alexander Komponist; Yakovlev, Mikhail Luk'yanovich Komponist
  • Published: IM Lab, 180614
  • Published in: IM Lab
  • Language: Not determined; German
  • Keywords: Klassik (1750-1830) ; Romantik ; Musik Computer- und Netzwerkressourcen ; Gesang Solisten
  • Origination:
  • Recording information: Alyabiev, Alexander Alexandrovich, Komponist -- Beshentsev, A., Dichter/Text -- Bulakhov, Pavel Petrovich, Komponist -- Bulakhov, Peter, Komponist -- Chuyevsky, V., Dichter/Text -- Davidov, Denis, Dichter/Text -- Evtikhov, Sergey, Viola -- Glebov, A., Dichter/Text -- Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich, Komponist -- Grekov, Nikolay, Dichter/Text -- Gurilev, Alexander Lvovich, Komponist -- Gurilyov, Alexander, Komponist -- Kolstov, A., Dichter/Text -- Konshin, V., Dichter/Text -- Kotelnikov, Konstantin, Tenor -- Kukol'nik, Nestor Vasil'yevich, Dichter/Text -- Lensky, Dmitri Timofeyevich, Dichter/Text -- Lermontov, Mikhail, Dichter/Text -- Lushnikov, Eugeny, Violoncello -- Lyubetsky, S., Dichter/Text -- Makarov, Ivan, Dichter/Text -- Makavtsova, Alena, Flöte -- Maley, Boris, Violine -- Matveyev, Vladimir, Violoncello -- Mey, Lev Alexandrovich, Dichter/Text -- Motin, Vladislav, Violine -- Pushkin, Alexander, Dichter/Text -- Rabovsky, Daniil, Klavier -- Rathaus, Daniil, Dichter/Text -- Romanov, Konstantin, Dichter/Text -- Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich, Komponist -- Tolstoy, Alexei, Dichter/Text -- Varlamov, Alexander, Komponist -- Yakovlev, Mikhail Luk'yanovich, Komponist -- Zimenko, I., Dichter/Text
  • Footnote: Streaming audio
    Systemvoraussetzungen (minimale Voraussetzungen): MS Windows 98SE, 2000, XP with MS IE 6.0 / Mozilla 1.7.1 / FireFox 1PR / Netscape 7.1 / Opera 7.53 and Media Player 9.0 / 10.0
  • Access State: Restricted Access | Information to licenced electronic resources of the SLUB