• Media type: E-Book; Performed Music
  • Title: STARK, Lucas: Strejk I Paradiset
  • Contains: Halleluja, ga och driv (Hallelujah, I'm a Bum) 00:03:02 -- Prasten och Slaven (The Preacher and the Slave) 00:03:45 -- Lurad (Stung Right) 00:04:45 -- Om kvinnofragan (The Girl Question) 00:04:30 -- Luffaren (The Tramp) 00:05:36 -- Slavinnan (The White Slave) 00:04:08 -- Casey Jones (Casey Jones, The Union Scab) 00:03:31 -- Rebellflickan (The Rebel Girl) 00:03:49 -- Det ar lang vag ner till soppkon (It's a Long Way Down to the Soupline) 00:04:20 -- Den gamla knegarns sista sang (The Old Toiler's Message) 00:04:30 -- Mr. Block (Mr. Block) 00:05:45 -- Ta-ra-ra Bom Ta-ra (Ta-ra-ra Bom De-ay) 00:03:19 -- Narmare jobb till dig (Nearer My Job to Thee) 00:03:40 --
  • Contributor: Alstyne, Egbert van Komponist; Bishop, Henry Komponist; Danks, Hart Pease Komponist; Filmore, Charles M. Komponist; Friedman, Leo Komponist; Mason, Lowell Komponist; Newton, Eddie Komponist; Root, George Frederick Komponist; Sayers, Henry J. Komponist; Webster, Joseph Philbrick Komponist; Weeden, Winfield Komponist; Williams, Harry Komponist
  • Published: Kakafon, 101217
  • Published in: Kakafon
  • Language: Without Specification; German
  • Keywords: 20. Jahrhundert ; Romantik ; Musik Computer- und Netzwerkressourcen ; Pop und Rock
  • Origination:
  • Recording information: Alstyne, Egbert van, Komponist -- Andersson, Bernt, Klavier -- Bennett, Sanford Fillmore, Dichter/Text -- Bishop, Henry, Komponist -- Branting, Jacob, Dichter/Text -- Danks, Hart Pease, Komponist -- Eriksson, Petter, Schlagwerk -- Filmore, Charles M., Komponist -- Friedman, Leo, Komponist -- Gran, Peter, Gitarre -- Hill, Joe, Dichter/Text -- Lindstrom, Maud, Gesang -- Magnefors, Marten, Schlagzeug -- Mason, Lowell, Komponist -- Newton, Eddie, Komponist -- Rexford, Eben Eugene, Dichter/Text -- Root, George Frederick, Komponist -- Sayers, Henry J., Komponist -- Seibert, Lawrence, Dichter/Text -- Stark, Lucas, Gesang -- Stellas, Maria, Gesang -- Svensson, Markus, Gitarre -- Viktor, Dan, Gesang -- Webster, Joseph Philbrick, Komponist -- Weeden, Winfield, Komponist -- Williams, Harry, Komponist
  • Footnote: Streaming audio
    Systemvoraussetzungen (minimale Voraussetzungen): MS Windows 98SE, 2000, XP with MS IE 6.0 / Mozilla 1.7.1 / FireFox 1PR / Netscape 7.1 / Opera 7.53 and Media Player 9.0 / 10.0
  • Access State: Restricted Access | Information to licenced electronic resources of the SLUB