• Media type: E-Book; Performed Music
  • Title: MINGUS, Charles: Mingus at Antibes
  • Contains: Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 00:12:06 -- Prayer for Passive Resistance 00:08:24 -- What Love? 00:14:05 -- Arabeske Nr. 1 (arr. für Flöte und Harfe) 00:14:07 -- Folk Forms No. 1 00:11:42 -- Better Git Hit In Your Soul 00:11:36 --
  • Contributor: De Paul, Gene; De Paul, Gene Komponist
  • Published: Warner Jazz, 171107
  • Published in: Warner Jazz
  • Language: Without Specification; German
  • Keywords: 20. Jahrhundert ; Musik Computer- und Netzwerkressourcen ; Zeitgenössischer Jazz ; Jazz
  • Origination:
  • Recording information: Curson, Ted, Trompete -- De Paul, Gene, Komponist -- Dolphy, Eric, Alt-Saxophon -- Ervin, Booker, Tenor-Saxophon -- Mingus, Charles, Kontrabass -- Richmond, Dannie, Schlagzeug
  • Footnote: Streaming audio
    Systemvoraussetzungen (minimale Voraussetzungen): MS Windows 98SE, 2000, XP with MS IE 6.0 / Mozilla 1.7.1 / FireFox 1PR / Netscape 7.1 / Opera 7.53 and Media Player 9.0 / 10.0
  • Access State: Restricted Access | Information to licenced electronic resources of the SLUB