• Media type: E-Book; Performed Music
  • Title: RUSSELL, Pee Wee: We're in the Money (1953-1954)
  • Contains: We're in the money, "The Gold Digger's Song" 00:03:05 -- Gabriel Found His Horn 00:02:20 -- Sugar 00:05:05 -- Missy 00:05:04 -- Sweet and Slow 00:02:48 -- Lulu's Back in Town 00:02:53 -- Sweet Georgia Brown 00:06:04 -- Some Like It Hot: The Lady's in Love with You 00:03:58 -- Louise 00:03:19 -- She's Funny That Way 00:02:12 -- If I Had You 00:04:56 -- Back in Your Own Backyard 00:03:26 -- I Want A Little Girl 00:03:55 --
  • Contributor: Campbell, James Komponist; Connelly, Reginald Komponist; Dreyer, Dave Komponist; Lane, Burton Komponist; Mencher, Murray Komponist; Moret, Neil Komponist; Pinkard, Maceo Komponist; Shapiro, Ted Komponist; Warren, Harry Komponist
  • Published: Black Lion Records, 200610
  • Published in: Black Lion Records
  • Language: Not determined; German
  • Keywords: 20. Jahrhundert ; Musik Computer- und Netzwerkressourcen ; Jazz
  • Origination:
  • Recording information: Bandini, Al, Gesang -- Campbell, James, Komponist -- Cheatham, Doc, Trompete -- Connelly, Reginald, Komponist -- Davison, Wild Bill, Trompete -- Dickenson, Vic, Posaune -- Dreyer, Dave, Komponist -- Drootin, Benjamin, Schlagzeug -- Field, John L, Kontrabass -- Lane, Burton, Komponist -- Mencher, Murray, Komponist -- Moret, Neil, Komponist -- Pinkard, Maceo, Komponist -- Russell, Pee Wee, Klarinette -- Shapiro, Ted, Komponist -- Warren, Harry, Komponist -- Wein, George, Klavier -- Wheeler, Stan, Kontrabass -- Whiting, Richard A., Dichter/Text
  • Footnote: Streaming audio
    Systemvoraussetzungen (minimale Voraussetzungen): MS Windows 98SE, 2000, XP with MS IE 6.0 / Mozilla 1.7.1 / FireFox 1PR / Netscape 7.1 / Opera 7.53 and Media Player 9.0 / 10.0
  • Access State: Restricted Access | Information to licenced electronic resources of the SLUB