Media type: E-Article Title: Positive Reinforcement Training Moderates Only High Levels of Abnormal Behavior in Singly Housed Rhesus Macaques Contributor: Baker, Kate C.; Bloomsmith, Mollie; Neu, Kimberly; Griffis, Caroline; Maloney, Margaret; Oettinger, Brooke; Schoof, Valérie A. M.; Martinez, Marni Published: Informa UK Limited, 2009 Published in: Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 12 (2009) 3, Seite 236-252 Language: English DOI: 10.1080/10888700902956011 ISSN: 1088-8705; 1532-7604 Keywords: General Veterinary ; Animal Science and Zoology Origination: Footnote: