Abstract The efficacy of a liquid systemic insecticide to protect winter wheat from grasshoppers was evaluated at the Central Montana Agricultural Research Center, Moccasin, Mont. A 300-ft by 300-ft field was planted 2 Sep in ‘Neeley,’ at 16-18 seeds/ft of row using a 6-shank (7-ft wide) Noble drill. Liquid Furadan was applied in the seed furrow through a microtube injection system mounted directly on the seed drill. Each nozzle on the injection system delivered 1 ml/30 s at 20 psi. The outside 6 rows of the field were divided into plots measuring 7 (6 rows) by 100 ft. Three treatments, Furadan 4 F at 0.375 and 0.5 lb (AI)/acre and an untreated control, were assigned in a completely randomized design to these border plots. Each treatment was replicated 4 times. Furadan was applied to the next 6 rows at 0.5 lb (AI)/acre. The remainder of the field was untreated. Treatment evaluations were based on the number of damaged plants/ft of row at 10 locations randomly chosen within each treated and untreated plot and untreated interior. Counts were transformed by log(x + 1). Numbers shown in the table are actual means.