Media type: E-Article Title: Structural and biophysical simulation of angiogenesis and vascular remodeling Contributor: Gödde, Ralf; Kurz, Haymo Published: Wiley, 2001 Published in: Developmental Dynamics, 220 (2001) 4, Seite 387-401 Language: English DOI: 10.1002/dvdy.1118 ISSN: 1058-8388; 1097-0177 Keywords: Developmental Biology Origination: Footnote: Description: AbstractThe purpose of this report is to introduce a new computer model for the simulation of microvascular growth and remodeling into arteries and veins that imitates angiogenesis and blood flow in real vascular plexuses. A C++ computer program was developed based on geometric and biophysical initial and boundary conditions. Geometry was defined on a two‐dimensional isometric grid by using defined sources and drains and elementary bifurcations that were able to proliferate or to regress under the influence of random and deterministic processes. Biophysics was defined by pressure, flow, and velocity distributions in the network by using the nodal‐admittance‐matrix‐method, and accounting for hemodynamic peculiarities like Fahraeus‐Lindqvist effect and exchange with extravascular tissue. The proposed model is the first to simulate interdigitation between the terminal branches of arterial and venous trees. This was achieved by inclusion of vessel regression and anastomosis in the capillary plexus and by remodeling in dependence from hemodynamics. The choice of regulatory properties influences the resulting vascular patterns. The model predicts interdigitating arteriovenous patterning if shear stress‐dependent but not pressure‐dependent remodeling was applied. By approximating the variability of natural vascular patterns, we hope to better understand homogeneity of transport, spatial distribution of hemodynamic properties and biomass allocation to the vascular wall or blood during development, or during evolution of circulatory systems. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. Access State: Open Access