• Media type: E-Article
  • Title: Developing sustainable institutions: Lessons from cross‐case analysis of 24 agricultural extension programmes
  • Contributor: Gustafson, Daniel J.
  • Published: Wiley, 1994
  • Published in: Public Administration and Development, 14 (1994) 2, Seite 121-134
  • Language: English
  • DOI: 10.1002/pad.4230140202
  • ISSN: 0271-2075; 1099-162X
  • Origination:
  • Footnote:
  • Description: AbstractThe building or reform of agricultural extension institutions has received considerable attention over the past 15 years, promoted principally by the World Bank and its training and visit (T&V) approach. Many of these institutional development projects have now been completed, allowing cross‐case analysis of the experiences and outcomes. Given the relatively similar objectives and institutional improvement strategies adopted, and the dissimilarities in the eventual performance and institutional vitality of the target organizations, these experiences provide a useful set of cases in which to examine the dynamics of institutions performance and sustainability. This article examines 24 completed extension development projects in the light of an institutional sustainability framework that defines sustainability as the ability of an institution to produce outputs that are sufficiently in demand for enough inputs to be supplied to continue production at a steady or growing rate. Findings from the application of the framework highlight the importance of internal and external stakeholder support, the importance of early success in generating support, the need for both organizational action and learning in varying degrees depending on the situation, and the need to have a coherent strategy that matches the institution's internal capabilities and external environment.