Media type: E-Article Title: “Advanced materials” and the challenges on the horizon for testing their (eco)toxicity and assessing their hazard Contributor: Abdolahpur Monikh, Fazel; Peijnenburg, Willie; Oomen, Agnes G.; Valsami-Jones, Eugenia; Stone, Vicki; Kortet, Raine; Akkanen, Jarkko; Zhang, Peng; Kekäläinen, Jukka; Sevcu, Alena; Kukkonen, Jussi V. K. Published: Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2023 Published in: Environmental Science: Advances, 2 (2023) 2, Seite 162-170 Language: English DOI: 10.1039/d2va00128d ISSN: 2754-7000 Origination: Footnote: Description: “Advanced Materials” (AdMas) represent the next technology frontier. Access State: Open Access