> Details
Adzic, P.;
Alemany-Fernandez, R.;
Almeida, C.B.;
Almeida, N.M.;
Anagnostou, G.;
Anfreville, M.G.;
Anicin, I.;
Antunovic, Z.;
Auffray, E.;
Baccaro, S.;
Baffioni, S.;
Barney, D.;
Barone, L.M.;
Barrillon, P.;
Bartoloni, A.;
Beauceron, S.;
Beaudette, F.;
Bell, K.W.;
Benetta, R.;
Bercher, M.J.;
Berthon, U.;
Betev, B.;
Beuselinck, R.;
Bhardwaj, A.;
Reconstruction of the signal amplitude of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter
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- Media type: E-Article
- Title: Reconstruction of the signal amplitude of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter
- Contributor: Adzic, P.; Alemany-Fernandez, R.; Almeida, C.B.; Almeida, N.M.; Anagnostou, G.; Anfreville, M.G.; Anicin, I.; Antunovic, Z.; Auffray, E.; Baccaro, S.; Baffioni, S.; Barney, D.; Barone, L.M.; Barrillon, P.; Bartoloni, A.; Beauceron, S.; Beaudette, F.; Bell, K.W.; Benetta, R.; Bercher, M.J.; Berthon, U.; Betev, B.; Beuselinck, R.; Bhardwaj, A.; [...]
Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2006
- Published in: The European Physical Journal C, 46 (2006) S1, Seite 23-35
- Language: English
- DOI: 10.1140/epjcd/s2006-02-002-x
- ISSN: 1434-6044; 1434-6052
- Origination:
- Footnote: