Martínez, Patricia Murciano;
Appeldoorn, Maaike M.;
Gruppen, Harry;
Kabel, Mirjam A.
The two Rasamsonia emersonii α-glucuronidases, ReGH67 and ReGH115, show a different mode-of-action towards glucuronoxylan and glucuronoxylo-oligosaccharides
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The two Rasamsonia emersonii α-glucuronidases, ReGH67 and ReGH115, show a different mode-of-action towards glucuronoxylan and glucuronoxylo-oligosaccharides
Martínez, Patricia Murciano;
Appeldoorn, Maaike M.;
Gruppen, Harry;
Kabel, Mirjam A.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2016
Published in:
Biotechnology for Biofuels, 9 (2016) 1