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Assessment of human-carnivore conflict in Chitral, Pakistan
Ahmad, O.
Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, 2020
Published in:
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 10 (2020) 6, Seite 61-65
Without Specification
Human-carnivore conflict is considered to be a major conservation and livelihood issue (Dar et al., 2009). The present study was conducted to assessed human carnivores’ conflict, its causes, severity and recommending conflict mitigation suggestions. Conflict in the study area was assessed through interview questionnaire, focus group discussions, pasture’s visits and observations. Results showed that 19% respondents had experienced conflict with carnivores. Carnivores depredation on livestock and poultry was the main cause of conflict. Wolves and Foxes are among most blamed carnivores in the study area. Last seven years depredation cases indicated that wolfs are the most destructive and lethal predator of livestock among all. In the pastures wolfs contributed 90% of the total damage. While In the adjacent village’s foxes contributed 73% of the total poultry depredation cases. No records of snow leopard depredation cases were found in the last 7 years. Depredation cases of lynx and jackal were very few. Most of the livestock depredation reported during the summer months from May to September while most of poultry depredation w0ere reported during the winter months from September to March. Respondents revealed that no compensation had given to the affected households, not from the responsible authorities nor from NGOs, that’s why their perception towards carnivore is not good. Of the total 28% recommended killing of carnivores, 22% were in favor of paying compensation for losses to affect. While few recommended improving of sheds/corals, employee youth as a guard, understand carnivore’s habitat to reduce conflict. Results indicates that human carnivore conflict is intense in the area. However, it could be reduced by multi-prolonged conservation programs includes compensation, insurance programs, awareness creation and Improving the livestock and poultry Corals/Sheds. Introducing trophy hunting in the area can also play a vital role in mitigating conflict. The money generated from hunting can be utilized for losses compensation and developmental purposes in the area.