Navigation in a Large Measurement Volume by Using AFM Technology as a Sensor System in the NPMMNavigation in einem großen Messvolumen in der Nanopositionier- und Mess-Maschine (NPMM) mittels AFM-Technologie
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Navigation in a Large Measurement Volume by Using AFM Technology as a Sensor System in the NPMMNavigation in einem großen Messvolumen in der Nanopositionier- und Mess-Maschine (NPMM) mittels AFM-Technologie
Abstract This article discusses methods to measure samples up to 25×25 mm2 using the NPMM [1] as an atomic force microscope (AFM) [2]. An entire scan at full resolution (10 nm) and 10 μm/s scan speed would take about 200 years. Therefore, overview scans with the AFM can be done to reduce the scan time, but these scans can induce aliasing artifacts due to sub-sampling. This paper gives a solution to that problem. The AFM camera is used for approximate orientation in the scan field. From an automatic optical area scan stitching software creates an overview image of about 2.6 GPixel with 0.5 μm resolution. The GEOtiff standard [3] is introduced to enable orientation in such big images. This format includes positioning information in the image and is used to solve the nano-orientation problem. This article further presents routines to create an overview image and a segmentation routine to detect structure domains. Since a combination of an AFM and optical scanning leads to higher positioning performance, both measurements are merged.