Media type: E-Article Title: Millet: A “Gluten-free” and “Healthy” Cereal With the Potential to Induce Anaphylaxis Contributor: Baptista Serna, L; Sastre, B; Rodrigo-Muñoz, JM; Valverde- Monge, M; Sastre, J; del Pozo, V Published: Esmon Publicidad, SA, 2023 Published in: Journal of Investigational Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 33 (2023) 2, Seite 145-146 Language: Without Specification DOI: 10.18176/jiaci.0826 ISSN: 1018-9068 Keywords: Immunology ; Immunology and Allergy Origination: Footnote: Access State: Open Access