Media type: E-Article Title: Simulation of multi-temperature flows turbulent mixing in a T-junctions by the LES approach in FlowVision software package Contributor: Aksenov, Andrey A; Alexandrova, Natalya A; Budnikov, Aleksey V; Zhestkov, Maksim N.; Sazonova, Marina L; Kochetkov, Mihail A Published: Izhevsk Institute of Computer Science, 2023 Published in: Computer Research and Modeling, 15 (2023) 4, Seite 827-843 Language: Without Specification DOI: 10.20537/2076-7633-2023-15-4-827-843 ISSN: 2076-7633; 2077-6853 Keywords: Computational Theory and Mathematics ; Computer Science Applications ; Modeling and Simulation Origination: Footnote: Access State: Open Access