• Media type: E-Article
  • Title: Extension of Postharvest Life of `Mission' Figs by CO2-enriched Atmospheres
  • Contributor: Colelli, Giancarlo; Mitchell, F. Gordon; Kader, Adel A.
  • Published: American Society for Horticultural Science, 1991
  • Published in: HortScience, 26 (1991) 9, Seite 1193-1195
  • Language: Not determined
  • DOI: 10.21273/hortsci.26.9.1193
  • ISSN: 0018-5345
  • Origination:
  • Footnote:
  • Description: Good quality of fresh `Mission' figs (Ficus carica L.) was maintained for up to 4 weeks when kept at 0, 2.2, or 5C in atmospheres enriched with 15% or 20% CO2. The visible benefits of exposure to high CO2 levels were reduction of decay incidence and maintenance of bright external appearance. Ethylene production was lower, and fruit softening (as measured with a deformation tester) was slower in the high-CO2-stored figs than in those kept in air. Ethanol content of the CO2-treated fruit increased slightly during the first 3 weeks and moderately during the 4th week, while acetaldehyde concentration increased during the first week, then decreased. The results may be applicable to the transport and storage of fresh `Mission' figs, as high CO2 extended their postharvest life, especially near 0C.
  • Access State: Open Access