Abstract Objective: To evaluate the soft tissue changes associated with the pendulum appliance that was supported with a K-loop buccally and to compare these treatment changes with a cervical headgear group. Materials and Methods: The records of 30 patients having skeletal Class I, dental Class II malocclusions were divided to two groups. Group 1 consisted of 7 girls, 8 boys (mean age, 15.0 ± 3.4 years), and Group 2 consisted of 10 girls, 5 boys (mean age 14.2 ± 2.9 years). The first group was treated with a pendulum appliance that was supported with a K-loop buccally, and the second group was treated with cervical headgear. Lateral cephalograms were taken at the beginning of treatment and at the end of distal molar movement. Treatment changes within the groups were analyzed using the paired t-test, and between group changes were analyzed with the independent t-test. Results: The results showed that the pendulum/K-loop appliance had no significant effect on skeletal and dental variables and soft tissue A point, upper lip thickness, and sagittal upper lip position relative to the E plane. A significant difference for the change in Vp-Ls distance was found in patients in the pendulum/K-loop group (P < .05). Patients in the cervical headgear group showed significant retrusion in skeletal, dental, and soft tissue measurements (P < .05). Conclusions: The pendulum/K-loop appliance produces distal molar movement without causing any significant changes in the sagittal or vertical positions of either the jaw or the soft tissue profile.