• Media type: E-Article
  • Title: Duodenum sparing technique for preventive stenting of biliary tract anastomosis in pigs
  • Contributor: Grolich, Tomáš; Crha, Michal; Andrašina, Tomáš; Kala, Zdeněk; Raušer, Petr; Hlavsa, Jan; Potrusil, Martin
  • Published: University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019
  • Published in: Acta Veterinaria Brno, 88 (2019) 3, Seite 287-290
  • Language: English
  • DOI: 10.2754/avb201988030287
  • ISSN: 0001-7213; 1801-7576
  • Keywords: General Veterinary
  • Origination:
  • Footnote:
  • Description: The main aim of this study was to find a standardized method for preventive stenting of biliary tract anastomosis with biodegradable self-expandable stent from polydioxanone and to evaluate the functionality of the stent. The experimental study was conducted using four pigs with a follow-up of eight weeks. The procedure was done under general anaesthesia. The function of the stent was verified by clinical stage, blood test, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography and necropsy. Our duodenum sparing technique was described in detail and photographically documented. All pigs finished the follow-up period without clinical, laboratory or radiologic signs of biliary obstruction. Necropsy did not reveal complication of the procedure or anastomotic stricture. In conclusion, this study demonstrated a simple new duodenum sparing method of transanastomotic insertion of a biodegradable self-expandable stent from polydioxanone. We did not find any complications during the follow-up. This method will be used in our follow-up study with an extended experimental control group of animals and a longer follow-up period to verify the preventive functionality of this stent.
  • Access State: Open Access