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Les carrières du Bois des Lens (Gard) : Carrières antiques de la Gaule. Une recherche polymorphe
Carrières antiques de la Gaule. Une recherche polymorphe
Bessac, Jean-Claude
PERSEE Program, 2002
Published in:
Gallia, 59 (2002) 1, Seite 29-51
The stone of the Bois des Lens is a white and fine-grained limestone extracted in opencast quarries, 25 km west of Nîmes. From 1974 to 1996, surveys, sondages and archaeological excavations allowed to identify and study about fifteen ancient quarries in this range of hills, mainly Roman. Their production was exported to Nîmes and various coastal-sites between Nice and Narbonne. Its exploitation started in about the 4th century BC and reached its climax during the Early Imperial period ; its use was restricted to ornemental architecture and sculpture. From the Late Imperial period on, the production seemed to be limited to a few sarcophagi then to domestic containers. In addition to a renewed approach of the theme's issue, this study has allowed to define a methodology for the survey and the excavation of quarries and above all, to set general directions for a chronological typology of quarrying techniques. The quarries were exploited in pits and serviced by huge hoisting cranes. Stone blocks weighing 0,5 to 6 metric ton were extracted by working teams of 7 to 10 specialists sent from the building site to fulfill specific orders. Their techniques, tools and productivity have been studied in detail. Every quarry site was equipped with a forge and a dwelling area. These specialists were foreign to the local population but exchanged products with them.