The decrease of the distance between particle centers due to the growth of the sinter necks can be explained by the well known two-particle model. Unfortunately this model fails to provide a comprehensive description of the processes for 3D specimens. Furthermore, there is a significant discrepancy between the calculated and the measured shrinkage because particle rearrangements are not considered. Only the recently developed analysis of the particle movements inside of 3D specimens using micro focus computed tomography (μCT), combined with photogrammetric image analysis, can deliver the necessary experimental data to improve existing sintering theories. In this work, μCT analysis was applied to spherical copper powders. Based on photogrammetric image analysis, it is possible to determine the positions of all particle centers for tracking the particles over the entire sintering process and to follow the formation and breaking of the particle bonds. In this paper, we present an in-depth analysis of the obtained data. In the future, high resolution synchrotron radiation tomography will be utilized to obtain in-situ data and images of higher resolution.