Khondzinsky, Pavel Vladimirovich;
Pavliuchenkov, Nikolay Nikolaevich;
Medovarov, Maksim Viktorovich;
Gavrilov, Igor Borisovich
Religious and philosophical heritage of priest Pavel Florensky (1882-1937): pro et contra. Materials of the round table of the scientific project of the SPbDA Publishing House “Byzantine Cabinet”. To the 140th anniversary of the birth and the 85th anniversary since the tragic death of an outstanding Russian thinker
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Religious and philosophical heritage of priest Pavel Florensky (1882-1937): pro et contra. Materials of the round table of the scientific project of the SPbDA Publishing House “Byzantine Cabinet”. To the 140th anniversary of the birth and the 85th anniversary since the tragic death of an outstanding Russian thinker
Khondzinsky, Pavel Vladimirovich;
Pavliuchenkov, Nikolay Nikolaevich;
Medovarov, Maksim Viktorovich;
Gavrilov, Igor Borisovich
Christian Reading, Saint Petersburg Theological Academy, 2023
Published in:
Русско-Византийский вестник (2023) 1, Seite 23-50