• Media type: E-Article
  • Title: Morphogenesis in Verticillium: A Self-Produced, Diffusible Morphogenetic Factor
  • Contributor: Brandt, W. H.; Reese, Judith Edwards
  • Published: American Botanical Society, 1964
  • Published in: American Journal of Botany, 51 (1964) 9, Seite 922-927
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 0002-9122; 1537-2197
  • Origination:
  • Footnote:
  • Description: <p>A microsclerotial isolate of Verticillium albo-atrum produces a diffusible morphogenetic factor (DMF). At certain levels, DMF stimulates production of microsclerotia and melanin and inhibits hyphal elongation and sporulation. At higher concentrations it can inhibit production of microsclerotia and melanin as well as germination of Verticillium spores. Near-ultraviolet radiation (mostly 3200-4000 A, emission peak 3650 A), which inhibits production of microsclerotia and melanin, appears to act by suppressing synthesis of DMF. Once formed, DMF withstood 5 days' exposure to near-UV. Dark-reared liquid cultures (shake or still) produced DMF while those reared under near-UV did not. DMF is active from pH 4 to pH 10, seems to be non-volatile, is dialyzable and water-soluble. In preliminary tests, it was insoluble in ether, ethanol and methylene dichloride. Acetone inactivated it. It may be 1 substance or a group of substances. We have developed assays for DMF in agar and liquid media employing the germination of Verticillium spores.</p>