• Media type: Notated Music
  • Title: Quartets vl (2), vla, b SarasinKatalog 1800 no.2021-2026
  • Other titles: [vl 1, cover title:] SIX | QUATUORS | CONCERTANS | Pour deux Violons Alto et Basse | DEDIÉS | au Célébre Haydn | PAR | M|.r Adalberto Girowetz | 2|e. Livre de Quatuors. | [...]
  • Contributor: Gyrowetz, Adalbert; Haydn, Joseph [Dedicatee]; Sarasin, Lukas [Former owner]; Vischer-Von der Mühll, Carl [Former owner]; Vischer-Von der Mühll, Emilie [Former owner]; Till, Johann Christian [Former owner]; Miller, H. C. [Former owner]
  • Corporation:
  • imprint: Paris: Imbault, [s.d.]
  • Extent: 4 parts; 34 x 26 cm; 2 Ex; 4 printed parts
  • Keywords: Quartets (inst.) ; Quelle
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: This record was merged with RISM ID no. 406003016
    This record was merged with RISM ID no. 406003016
    RM 75: hs. Namenszug "Imbaul" [sic!] auf Titelblatt der Violin-1-Stimme
    Inscribed: Philharmonic / Society / Bethlehem / [Another hand:] Imbault / [Another hand:] H.C. Miller / [Another hand, pencil:] / [Another hand, pencil:] Sold to J. Chr. Till. Bound in partbooks labelled: Class L / 1312
    B-Bc, [no indication], 30000438
  • Provenance information:
  • Access State: Open Access