• Media type: E-Book
  • Title: Ciência e produção do conhecimento contemporâneo na perspectiva da criatividade
  • Other titles: Science and production of contemporary knowledge in view of creativity
  • Contributor: Pinho, Maria José de [Author]; Souza, Kênia Paulino de Queiroz [Author]
  • imprint: 2014
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.2359-3652.2014v1n1p149
  • Identifier:
  • Keywords: Paradigms ; Creativity ; Transdisciplinary
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Veröffentlichungsversion
    begutachtet (peer reviewed)
    In: Revista Desafios ; 1 (2014) 1 ; 149-163
  • Description: This article aims to analyze the vision of science and knowledge production in its transition to modernity and contemporaneity within the meaning of an education based on creativity that values diverse knowledge. This reflection is a bibliographical character with a qualitative approach. Its theoretical foundation brings the realization of the concepts of the traditional paradigm in the context of modern science and the emerging paradigm today with a creative vision and interdisciplinary contemplating the whole of life, from the pedagogical, while production of knowledge. It is noticeable that in the contemporary perspective of creativity to transforming perspective has sought reconnection of knowledge that involves all areas of humanity valuing imagination, originality, flexibility, thinking, feeling and learning within the aspects encompassing the wholeness of life on the planet.
  • Access State: Open Access
  • Rights information: Attribution - Non Commercial (CC BY-NC)