• Media type: E-Book
  • Title: The stabilization and association process: an engine of European integration in need of tuning
  • Other titles: Der Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsprozess: ein Motor der europäischen Integration muss getunt werden
  • Contributor: Schenker, Harald [Author]
  • Published: 2008
  • Language: English
  • Identifier:
  • Keywords: Montenegro ; Europa ; ökonomische Entwicklung ; postsozialistisches Land ; politische Stabilität ; EU ; Minderheitenpolitik ; Stabilisierung ; ethnische Gruppe ; Albanien ; Vertrag ; Südosteuropa ; Mazedonien ; Minderheit ; Entwicklungsland ; Assoziierung ; Bosnien-Herzegowina ; Kroatien ; Instrumentarium ; ethnische Beziehungen
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Veröffentlichungsversion
    begutachtet (peer reviewed)
    In: JEMIE - Journal on ethnopolitics and minority issues in Europe ; Vol. 7 (2008) 1 ; 19
  • Description: 'The Stabilization and Association process (SAp) was created by the European Union in 1999 as its primary contribution to the Stability Pact for Southeast Europe, thus concluding a development that had started with the Royaumont process and continued with the Regional Approach, neither of which are discussed in this article. The purpose of this article is to look closer at the approach adopted in this process, at the effects it has had in the five countries of the Western Balkans, and, finally, to answer the question of whether the Sap is a strong enough instrument for ensuring political and economic stability in the region, with a closer examination of the situation of ethnic minorities.' (author's abstract)
  • Access State: Open Access
  • Rights information: