• Media type: E-Book
  • Title: Revolution again in Kyrgyzstan: forward to the past?
  • Contributor: Schmitz, Andrea [Author]
  • Corporation:
  • Published: Berlin, 2021
  • Published in: SWP Comment ; Bd. 8/2021
  • Extent: 4 S.
  • Language: English
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.18449/2021C08
  • Identifier:
  • Keywords: Kirgisistan ; politische Entwicklung ; Innenpolitik ; Präsidentschaftswahl ; Staatsoberhaupt ; Volksabstimmung ; Verfassungsänderung ; politisches System ; Präsidialsystem ; Parlament ; Regierungswechsel ; Protest ; Wahlkampf ; Populismus ; Dschaparow, Sadyr ; Regierungssystem ; Wahlforschung/Wahlanalyse ; Nationale Wahlen ; Wahlfälschungen/Wahlbetrug
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Veröffentlichungsversion
  • Description: Kyrgyzstan's presidential election and constitutional referendum on 10 January 2021 represent the provisional endpoint of a series of violent episodes that has gripped the country since October 2020. The victory of the populist Sadyr Japarov and approval for his plan to reintroduce a presidential system of government prepares the ground for a dismantling of democratic principles and rule of law, so that politically Kyrgyz­stan is set to look more like its Central Asian neighbours. A new constitution is in preparation. The draft bears the portents of a neo-traditional roll-back that rebuffs a young generation demanding more democracy and rule of law, and has the potential to deeply polarise the nation. (author's abstract)
  • Access State: Open Access
  • Rights information: