• Media type: E-Book
  • Title: Quality of government and the relationship between environmental concern and pro-environmental behavior: a cross-national study
  • Contributor: Kulin, Joakim [Author]; Sevä, Ingemar Johansson [Author]
  • imprint: 2021
  • Language: English
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09644016.2020.1809160
  • Identifier:
  • Keywords: ISSP ; Umweltfreundlichkeit ; Umweltbewusstsein ; Umweltverhalten ; Regierung ; Qualität ; environmental concern ; quality of government (QoG) ; ISSP 2010
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Veröffentlichungsversion
    begutachtet (peer reviewed)
    In: Environmental Politics ; 30 (2021) 5 ; 727-752
  • Description: Previous research consistently finds a relatively weak relationship between environmental concern and pro-environmental behavior, as environmentally concerned individuals often fail to act pro-environmentally, both in the private and public spheres. While the strength of the concern - behavior relationship varies considerably across countries, existing research has yet to provide a complete account of these cross-national differences. In this study, we add to previous cross-national research on the concern - behavior relationship by focusing on the quality of government. Using multilevel analysis and data from the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), we demonstrate that people who are environmentally concerned are more likely to act pro-environmentally (in the public sphere), in countries where government institutions are fair, effective and impartial. We also find that people are generally more likely to engage in pro-environmental behavior in both the private and public sphere in countries where the quality of government is high.
  • Access State: Open Access
  • Rights information: Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivs (CC BY-NC-ND)