• Medientyp: CD-ROM
  • Titel: 3-D reservoir characterization of the House Creek Oil Field : Powder River Basin, Wyoming
  • Beteiligte: Higley, Debra K. [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]
  • Körperschaft: United States Geological Survey
  • Erschienen: [S.l.], 1997
  • Erschienen in: United States Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Servey digital data series ; 33
  • Ausgabe: V1.00
  • Umfang: 1 CD-ROM; 12 cm
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Schlagwörter: CD-ROM
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen: Macintosh: Operating System 7.0 or greater; Minimum of 4 MB RAM, 8 MB or greater is recommended; Should you load Mosaic or other WWW software on your hrd disk, suggested minimum desk space is 3 MB; this programm requires a Macintosh with a 13" or larger color monitor and CD-ROM driver, The drive and software should support ISO 9660 or HFS standards. DOS: IBM or 100-percent compatible personal computer, with a minimum of an 80386 microprocessor ...; Microsoft or PC-DOS version 3.1 or later; Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or later ...; Although 4 megabytes (MB) of RAM work ...; An extended VGA video board with a minimum screen resolution of 640 by 480 pixels and 256 colors; An hard disk drive with a minimum of 10 MB free disk space; CD-ROM drive and software supporting ISO 9660 standards; WWW browser, image viewer, and QuickTime wiewer are required to link HTML text and graphics images
  • Weitere Bestandsnachweise
    0 : U.S. Geological Servey digital data series


  • Status: Ausleihbar