> Verlagsreihe
Plant systems biology ed. by Sacha Baginsky
Basel; Berlin [u.a.]: Birkhäuser, 2007
Molecular systematics and evolution theory and practice ed. by R. DeSalle
Basel; Berlin [u.a.]: Birkhäuser, 2002
Genes and mechanisms in vertebrate sex determination ed. by G. Scherer
Basel; Berlin [u.a.]: Birkhäuser, 2001
Proteomics in functional genomics protein structure analysis ed. by P. Jollès
Basel; Boston; Berlin: Birkhäuser, 2000
Fish ecotoxicology edited by T. Braunbeck, D. E. Hinton, B. Streit
Basel; Boston; Berlin: Birkhäuser, 1998
Evolutionary ecology of freshwater animals concepts and case studies ed. by B. Streit
Basel; Berlin [u.a.]: Birkhäuser, 1997
Orientation and communication in arthropods ed. by M. Lehrer
Basel: Springer, 1997
Orientation and communication in arthropods ed. by M. Lehrer
Basel; Boston; Berlin: Birkhäuser, 1997
Environmental stress, adaptation and evolution ed. by R. Bijlsma
Basel; Berlin [u.a.]: Birkhäuser, 1997
Frontiers in biosensorics 1 Fundamental aspects ed. by. F. W. Scheller
Basel: Birkhäuser, 1997
Formation and structure of human hair ed. by P. Jollès
Basel [u.a.]: Birkhäuser, 1997
Regulation of angiogenesis ed. by I. D. Goldberg
Basel; Boston; Berlin: Birkhäuser, 1997
Frontiers in biosensorics 2 Practical applications ed. by. F. W. Scheller
Basel: Birkhäuser, 1997
Stress-inducible cellular responses ed. by U. Feige
Basel [u.a.]: Birkhäuser, 1996
The nervous systems of invertebrates an evolutionary and comparative approach with a coda written by T. H. Bullock. Ed. by O. Breidbach; W. Kutsch
Basel; Boston; Berlin: Birkhäuser, 1995
Molecular ecology and evolution approaches and applications ed. by B. Schierwater
Basel; Boston; Berlin: Birkhäuser, 1994
Toward a molecular basis of alcohol use and abuse ed. by B. Jansson
Basel; Boston; Berlin; [Stuttgart]: Birkhäuser, 1994
Conservation genetics ed. by V. Loeschcke
Basel; Berlin; [Stuttgart] [u.a.]: Birkhäuser, 1994
Comparative molecular neurobiology ed. by Y. Pichon
Basel; Boston; Berlin; [Stuttgart]: Birkhäuser, 1993
DNA methylation molecular biology and biological significance ed. by J. P. Jost
Basel; Berlin [u.a.]: Birkhäuser, 1993
Free radicals and aging ed. by Ingrid Emerit
Basel; Berlin [u.a.]: Birkhäuser, 1992