> Verlagsreihe
Optics of excitons in confined systems Proceedings of the International Meeting, Giardini Naxos, Italy , 24 - 27 September 1991 edited by A. D'Andrea
Bristol [u.a.]: Inst. of Physics, 1992
Nuclear structure and heavy-ion reaction dynamics 1990 proceedings of the Workshop on the Interface between Nuclear Structure and Heavy-ion Reaction Dynamics held at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, 24 - 26 May 1990 ed. by R. R. Betts
Bristol, England; Philadelphia: Institute of Physics, 1991
Microscopy of semiconducting materials 1987; proceedings of the Institute of Physics Conference held at Oxford University, 6 - 8 April 1987 ed. by A G Cullis
Bristol [u.a.]: Institute of Physics, 1987
Temperature measurement, 1975 invited and contributed papers from the European Conference on Temperature Measurement held at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, 9-11 April 1975 edited by B. F. Billing and T. J. Quinn; [sponsored by The Institute of Physics ... et al]
London: The Institute of Physics in association with The American Institute of Physics, New York, 1975
Metal-semiconductor contacts Proceedings of a conference organized by the solid state physics sub-committee in association with the thin films and surfaces group of the institute of physics, held at Manchester, April 1974 The Institute of Physics <London> / Solid State Physics Sub-Committee
London [u.a.]: The Institute of Physics, 1974
Plasma physics lectures form the Culham Plasma Physics Summer Schools, held at the UKAEA Culham Laborat. , Abingdon ed. and comp. by B. E. Keen
London [etc.]: Institute of Physics, 1974
Electron microscopy 1972 proceedings of the Fifth European Congress on Electron Microscopy, University of Manchester, 5 - 12 September 1972 [organized by the Institute of Physics and the Royal Microscopical Society on behalf of the British Joint Committee for Electron Microscopy under the auspices of the International Federation of Societies for Electron Microscopy]
London [u.a.]: Inst. of Physics, 1972