> Verlagsreihe
Delivery of urban services with a view towards applications in management science and operations research ed. by Arthur J. Swersey
Amsterdam [u.a.]: North-Holland, 1986
Fuzzy sets and decision analysis ed. by H.-J. Zimmermann
Amsterdam [u.a.]: North-Holland, 1984
Marketing planning models ed. by A. A. Zoltners
Amsterdam [u.a.]: North-Holland, 1982
Optimization in statistics with a view towards applications in management science and operations research ed. by S.H. Zanakis
Amsterdam [u.a.]: North-Holland, 1982
Planning processes in developing countries techniques and achievements ed. by Wade D. Cook
Amsterdam [u.a.]: North-Holland Publ. Comp., 1982
System dynamics ed. by Augusto A. Legasto
Amsterdam [u.a.]: North-Holland Publ. Co., 1980
Energy policy ed. by J. S. Aronofsky
Amsterdam [u.a.]: North-Holland Publ. Comp., 1978
Applied optimal control ed. by A. Bensoussan
Amsterdam [u.a.]: North-Holland Publ. Co., 1978
Multiple criteria decision making ed. by Martin K. Starr and Milan Zeleny
Amsterdam [u.a.]: North-Holland Publ., 1977
Algorithmic methods in probability ed. by Marcel F. Neuts
Amsterdam [u.a]: North-Holland Publ., 1977
Logistics ed. Murray A. Geisler
Amsterdam [u.a.]: North-Holland Publ. [u.a.], 1975