> Verlagsreihe
The fungal colony symposium of the British Mycological Society held ... , London, September 1997 ed. by N. A. R. Gow
Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge University Press, 1999
Water, fungi and plants symposium of the British Mycological Society held at the University of Lancaster, April 1985 ed. by P.G. Ayres
Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1986
Developmental biology of higher fungi symposium of the British Mycological Society held at the Univ. of Manchester, April 1984 ed. by D. Moore
Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1985
Fungal walls and hyphal growth symposium of the British Mycological Soc. held at Queen Elizabeth College, London, April 1978 ed. by J. H. Burnett
Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambirdge Univ. Press, 1979
Genetics and physiology of aspergillus [symposium held in Birmingham in Sept. 1976 ...] ed. by John E. Smith
London [u.a.]: Acad. Press, 1977