> Verlagsreihe
Roy Lichtenstein produced and directed by Chris Hunt
Halle: Arthaus Musik, [2014]
Andy Warhol produced and directed by Kim Evans
Halle: Arthaus Musik, [2014]
Claes Oldenburg produced and directed by Gerald Fox
Halle: Arthaus Musik, [2014]
Norman Foster prod. and directed by Mark Kidel
Halle: Arthaus Musik, [2009]
Andy Warhol directed by Kim Evans
Halle: Arthaus Musik, [circa 2009]
Otto Dix the painter is the eyes of the world a film by Reiner E. Moritz. Camera: Ernst Hirsch
Halle: Arthaus Musik, [2009]
Werner Tübke vom Abenteuer der Bildfindung a film by Reiner E. Moritz
Halle: Arthaus Musik, [2009]
Helmut Newton - frames from the edge commentary and director: Adrian Maben
Halle: Arthaus Musik, [2008]
Claes Oldenburg produced and directed by Gerald Fox
Halle: Arthaus Musik, [2008]
Hockney at the Tate Produced and directed by Alan Benson
Halle: Arthaus Musik, [2007]
Frida Kahlo a film by Eila Hershon and Roberto Guerra and Wibke von Bonin
Halle: Arthaus Musik, 2007
The face of the twentieth century - Bauhaus written and narrated by Frank Whitford. Produced by Julia Cave
Halle: Arthaus Musik, 2007
Roy Lichtenstein Produced and directed by Chris Hunt. Editor Ian Pitch. ... Text: Katharina Helwig. DVD produced by Arthaus Musik GMBH
[Leipzig.]: Arthaus Musik, [2007]
Tiziano a film by Didier Baussy-Olianoff
Leipzig: Arthaus Musik, [2006]
Jan Vermeer Licht, Liebe und Stille Dokumentation von Michael Gill
Halle: Arthaus Musik, [2006]