• Medientyp: Blatt; Karte
  • Titel: A draught of Falklands Islands in the latitude of 51° 22' South, longitude 64° 30' West
  • Beteiligte: Bowles, Carington [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]
  • Erschienen: London: Carington Bowles, 1770
  • Umfang: 1 Kt; Kupferst; 70 x 45 cm
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Schlagwörter: Altkarte
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen: An early state of a map more generally known with "Heretofore Falkland Sound" below "Carlisle Sound" and "The Sebaldines or ..." above "Sebald de Waerts or Jasons Islands" (upper left) which are later additions found on Fordham no. 10 (of 1794?) as well as her no. 7 (1770). - The routes taken around the islands during their survey both by the British ship Carcass and by the Jason are shown; an account of the survey was printed in Macbride's Journal of the winds and weather ... at Falkland Islands, from Feb. 1st, 1776, to Jan. 19th, 1767 (London, 1770?), reprinted in A. Dalrymple's A collection of voyages ... (1775). - Scale indicated by a "Scale of leagues" at lower left. - [Across top of chart]: A view of the Sebaldine latterly call'd Jasons Islands [about eight coastal profiles varying in length between 30.5 and 11 cm.; a ninth profile is at bottom right of the chart]. - Engraved map. - References: A. Fordham, Falklands Islands (MCC 11), no. 7; Torres Lanzas, ... Mapas ... del Virreinato de Bueno Aires (1921), no. 85; M. Hidalgo Nieto, La cuestión de las Malvinas (1948), pp. 385-402; Torre Revello, Islas Malvinas (1953), no. 708


  • Signatur: A1771
  • Historische Altsignatur: Tab.geogr.B.Amer.5960
  • Barcode: 11657479N
  • Status: Bestellen zur Benutzung unter Aufsicht, kein Versand per Fernleihe, nur Kopienlieferung
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