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NATO's transformation
the changing shape of the Atlantic Alliance
Gordon, P. H.: Recasting the Atlantic Alliance. - S.11-37. Gnesotto, N.: Common European defence and transatlantic relations. - S.39-51. Grant, R. P.: France's new relationship with NATO. - S.53-76. Zelikow, P.: The masque of institutions. - S.77-89. Asmus, R. D. ; Kugler, R. L. ; Larrabee, F. S.: NATO enlargement. - S.93-120. Brown, M. E.: The flawed logic of NATO enlargement. - S.212-139. Allin, D. H.: Can containment work again? - S.141-153. Asmus, R. D. Kugler, R. L. ; Larrabee, F. S.: The costs of NATO enlargement. - S.177-200. Barry, C.: Combined joint task forces in theory and practice. - S.203-219. Williams, N.: Partnership for Peace: permanent fixture or declining asset? - S.221-233. Jospeh, R.: NAZO's role on counter-proliferation. - S.235-255. Gordon, P. H.: The Western European Union and NATO's 'Europeanisation'. - S.257-270.