• Medientyp: Buch
  • Titel: Deepening and widening
  • Enthält: Peterson, J. ; Bomberg, E.: Northern enlargement and EU decisionmaking. - S. 32-65. Balazs, P.: Strategies for the Eastern enlargement of the EU. - S. 67-86. Kerremans, B.: The political and institutional consequences of widening. - S. 87-109. Coffey, J. I.: WEU after the Second Maastricht. - S. 113-132. Anderson, S. A.: Problems and possibilities. The development of the CFSP from Maastricht to the 1996 IGC. - S. 133-147. Smith, M. E.: What's wrong with CFSP? - S. 149-175. Tiersky, R.: France, the CFSP, and NATO. - S. 177-188. MacCormick, J.: Environmental policy. - S. 191-206. Geyer, R. ; Springer, B.: EU social policy after Maastricht. - S. 207-223. Elman, R. A.: The EU and women. - S. 225-239. Loedel, P. H.: Enthancing Europe's international monetary power. - S. 243-261. Heisenberg, D.: Explaining the dominance of German preferences in recent EMU decisions. - S. 263-277. Watson, A. M. S.: A two-speed Europe? - S. 279-294. Ginsberg, R. H.: U.S.-EU relations. - S. 297-316. Footer, M. E.: The EU and
    Reflections on the IGCs / Desmond Dinan
    Reflections on the IGCs / Desmond Dinan
    Northern enlargement and EU decisionmaking / John Peterson & Elizabeth Bomberg
    Strategies for the eastern enlargement of the EU / P(c)♭ter Bal(c)Łzs
    Political and institutional consequences of widening / Bart Kerremans
    WEU after the Second Maastricht / Joseph I. Coffey
    Problems and possibilities / Stephanie B. Anderson
    What's wrong with the CFSP? / Michael E. Smith
    France, the CFSP, and NATO / Ronald Tiersky
    Environmental policy / John McCormick
    EU social policy after Maastricht / Robert Geyer & Beverly Springer
    EU and women / R. Amy Elman
    Enhancing Europe's international monetary power / Peter H. Loedel
    Explaining the dominance of German preferences in recent EMU decisions / Dorothee Heisenberg
    Two-speed Europe? / Alison M. S. Watson
    U.S.-EU relations / Roy H. Ginsberg
    EU and the WTO global trading system / Mary E. Footer
    IGCs and the renegotiation of European order after the Cold War / Anthony Forster & William Wallace
    Northern enlargement and EU decisionmaking / John Peterson & Elizabeth Bomberg
    Strategies for the eastern enlargement of the EU / Péter Balázs
    Political and institutional consequences of widening / Bart Kerremans
    WEU after the Second Maastricht / Joseph I. Coffey
    Problems and possibilities / Stephanie B. Anderson
    What's wrong with the CFSP? / Michael E. Smith
    France, the CFSP, and NATO / Ronald Tiersky
    Environmental policy / John McCormick
    EU social policy after Maastricht / Robert Geyer & Beverly Springer
    EU and women / R. Amy Elman
    Enhancing Europe's international monetary power / Peter H. Loedel
    Explaining the dominance of German preferences in recent EMU decisions / Dorothee Heisenberg
    Two-speed Europe? / Alison M. S. Watson
    U.S.-EU relations / Roy H. Ginsberg
    EU and the WTO global trading system / Mary E. Footer
    IGCs and the renegotiation of European order after the Cold War / Anthony Forster & William Wallace
  • Beteiligte: Laurent, Pierre-Henri [Herausgeber:in]; Maresceau, Marc [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]
  • Erschienen: Boulder, Colo. [u.a.]: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998
  • Erschienen in: The state of the European Union ; 4
  • Umfang: X, 374 S.; graph. Darst
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN: 1555877206
  • RVK-Notation: MK 5100 : Europäische Union (EWG, EG, EU, EGKS, Euratom), Allgemeines
    MK 5250 : Außenpolitische Beziehungen der EU
  • Schlagwörter: Europäische Union > Geschichte 1993-1994
    Europäische Union > Erweiterung
    Europäische Union > Währungsunion
    Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
    Europäische Union > Geschichte 1993-1994
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen: Includes bibliographical references and index
  • Weitere Bestandsnachweise
    0 : ¬The¬ state of the European Union


  • Status: Ausleihbar