• Medientyp: Buch
  • Titel: After Derrida : literature, theory and criticism in the twenty-first century
  • Beteiligte: Rabaté, Jean-Michel [Herausgeber:in]
  • Erschienen: Cambridge; New York; Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, [2018]
  • Erschienen in: After series
  • Umfang: ix, 235 Seiten; 23 cm
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN: 9781108426107; 9781108444521
  • RVK-Notation: EC 1850 : Einzelne Richtungen der Literaturtheorie
    CI 5604 : Nachwirkung, Schulbildung, Festschriften
    IH 34381 : Sekundärliteratur
  • Schlagwörter: Derrida, Jacques > Literaturtheorie > Sprachphilosophie
    Derrida, Jacques > Rezeption > Literaturwissenschaft > Geschichte 2000-2018
    Derrida, Jacques > Literaturtheorie > Sprachphilosophie
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen: Auf dem Cover: After Derrida - literature, theory and criticism in the 21st century
  • Beschreibung: "It is important for the materialist historian, in the most rigorous way possible, to differentiate the construction of a historical state of affairs from what one customarily calls its "reconstruction." The "reconstruction" in empathy is one- dimensional. "Construction" presupposes "destruction." Almost fourteen years after the death of Jacques Derrida, the least one can say is that his inheritance is as contested and fraught with rivalries, rejections, and appropriations as at the time of the flowering of Deconstruction in American universities in the seventies and eighties. A halt was observed in 1988-89 after the posthumous revelations about Paul de Man's past in Belgium and Derrida's embattled defense of his friend. Today, in France, one often hears that "Derrida a fait l'Ecole mais n'a pas fait ecole," meaning that Derrida passed the entrance examination of the prestigious Ecole Normale Superieure where he taught for a long time, where he met Paul Celan, Louis Althusser, Michel Foucault and many other luminaries, whereas he never had a real "school" in France-no real institutional backing beyond the various Parisian places at which he taught later, or those that he founded like the College de Philosophie; his following constituted of young philosophers, only a few of whom became university professors in their turn and disseminated his teachings. However, the mechanisms of power within the French university remained closed to Derrida until the end; besides, he wanted to prevent the stereotyped reproduction currently observed from master to disciple"--

    The instant of their debt : Derrida with Freud and Heidegger in Greece / Vassiliki Kolocotroni -- Derrida and the psychoanalysis of culture / Andrea Hurst -- Derrida and sexual difference / Ginette Michaud -- Derrida queries de Man : a note on the materiality of the letter vs. the violence of the letter / Martin McQuillan -- Derrida as literary reader / Derek Attridge -- Broken singularities (Derrida and Celan) / Joshua Schuster -- Derrida and the essence of poetry / Yue Zhuo -- From Mallarme to the event : Badiou after Derrida / Laurent Milesi -- Ecce animot : animal turns / Jane Goldman -- Deconstruction, collectivity, and world literature / Jen Hui Bon Hoa -- Literature calls justice : deconstruction's "coming-to-terms" with literature / Elisabeth Weber -- The documental revolution and the archives of the future / Maurizio Ferraris


  • Status: Ausleihbar