• Medientyp: E-Book; Konferenzbericht
  • Titel: Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies III : Third International Workshop, DALT 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 25, 2005, Selected and Revised Papers
  • Beteiligte: Baldoni, Matteo [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Endriss, Ulle [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Omicini, Andrea [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Torroni, Paolo [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]
  • Erschienen: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
  • Erschienen in: Lecture notes in computer science ; 3904
  • Umfang: Online-Ressource (XII, 245 p. Also available online, digital)
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • DOI: 10.1007/11691792
  • ISBN: 9783540331070
  • Identifikator:
  • RVK-Notation: SS 4800 : Lecture notes in computer science
  • Schlagwörter: Mehragentensystem > Deklarative Programmiersprache
    Softwareentwicklung > Mehragentensystem > Deklarative Programmiersprache
    Mehragentensystem > Wissensrevision > Inferenz > Logische Programmierung
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen:
  • Beschreibung: Agent Programming and Beliefs -- Beliefs in Agent Implementation -- Modelling Uncertainty in Agent Programming -- Complete Axiomatizations of Finite Syntactic Epistemic States -- Architectures and Logic Programming -- An Architecture for Rational Agents -- LAIMA: A Multi-agent Platform Using Ordered Choice Logic Programming -- A Distributed Architecture for Norm-Aware Agent Societies -- About Declarative Semantics of Logic-Based Agent Languages -- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning -- Goal Decomposition Tree: An Agent Model to Generate a Validated Agent Behaviour -- Resource-Bounded Belief Revision and Contraction -- Agent-Oriented Programming with Underlying Ontological Reasoning -- Dynagent: An Incremental Forward-Chaining HTN Planning Agent in Dynamic Domains -- A Combination of Explicit and Deductive Knowledge with Branching Time: Completeness and Decidability Results -- Coordination and Model Checking -- An Intensional Programming Approach to Multi-agent Coordination in a Distributed Network of Agents -- A Tableau Method for Verifying Dialogue Game Protocols for Agent Communication.

    The workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies is a we- established venue for researchers interested in sharing their experiences in the areas of declarative and formal aspects of agents and multi-agent systems, and in engineering and technology. Today it is still a challenge to develop techno- gies that can satisfy the requirements of complex agent systems. The design and development of multi-agent systems still calls for models and technologies that ensure predictability, enable feature discovery, allow for the veri?cation of properties, and guarantee ?exibility. Declarative approaches are potentially a valuable means for satisfying the needs of multi-agent system developers and for specifying multi-agent systems. DALT 2005, the third edition of the workshop, was held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, in July 2005, in conjunction with AAMAS 2005, the Fourth Int- national Joint Conference on Agents and Multiagent Systems. Over 30 persons attended the workshop con?rming the success of the previous editions in M- bourne 2003 (LNAI 2990) and New York 2004 (LNAI 3476). The workshop series is a forum of discussion aimed both at supporting the transfer of decla- tive paradigms and techniques into the broader community of agent researchers andpractitioners, and atbringing theissuesofdesigningreal-world andcomplex agent systems to the attention of researchers working on declarative progr- ming and technologies.