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Modelling the Physiological Human
3D Physiological Human Workshop, 3DPH 2009, Zermatt, Switzerland, November 29 – December 2, 2009. Proceedings
Segmentation -- Vessels-Cut: A Graph Based Approach to Patient-Specific Carotid Arteries Modeling -- Interactive Segmentation of Volumetric Medical Images for Collaborative Telemedicine -- Simultaneous Segmentation and Correspondence Establishment for Statistical Shape Models -- The Persistent Morse Complex Segmentation of a 3-Manifold -- Anatomical and Physiological Modeling -- Modelling Rod-Like Flexible Biological Tissues for Medical Training -- Using Musculoskeletal Modeling for Estimating the Most Important Muscular Output – Force -- Computer Assisted Estimation of Anthropometric Parameters from Whole Body Scanner Data -- Simulation Models -- A Physiological Torso Model for Realistic Breathing Simulation -- Evaluating the Impact of Shape on Finite Element Simulations in a Medical Context -- MotionLab: A Matlab Toolbox for Extracting and Processing Experimental Motion Capture Data for Neuromuscular Simulations -- Motion Analysis -- Predicting Missing Markers in Real-Time Optical Motion Capture -- Motion Analysis of the Arm Based on Functional Anatomy -- WAPA: A Wearable Framework for Aerobatic Pilot Aid -- Discriminative Human Full-Body Pose Estimation from Wearable Inertial Sensor Data -- Medical Visualization and Interaction -- A 3D Human Brain Atlas -- Context Preserving Focal Probes for Exploration of Volumetric Medical Datasets -- Use of High Dynamic Range Images for Improved Medical Simulations -- Medical Ontology -- My Corporis Fabrica: A Unified Ontological, Geometrical and Mechanical View of Human Anatomy -- Formal Representation of Tissue Geometric Features by DOGMA Ontology.