A note on the real spectrum of analytic functions on an analytic manifold of dimension one -- Two bounds for the number of connected components of a real algebraic set -- Strongly algebraic vector bundles over ?d -- Local resolution of singularities -- On vector bundles and real algebraic morphisms -- On the stability index of noetherian rings -- Real parts of complex algebraic curves -- Sous-ensembles algébriques réels de codimension 2 -- Real abelian varieties and the singularities of an integrable Hamiltonian system -- Chainable fields and real algebraic geometry -- Shape invariant lists and realization as plane real algebraic curves with doublepoints -- Moyennes des fonctions sous-analytiques, densite, cone tangent et tranches -- Nullstellensätze; conjectures and counterexamples -- Sur un théoreme de cheponkus -- Isotopies and non-recursive functions in real algebraic geometry -- Slices: Functions for abstract real analysis -- Complexity of the computation of cylindrical decomposition and topology of real algebraic curves using Thom's lemma -- On the topology of global semianalytic sets -- Piecewise linearization of subanalytic functions II -- Classification birationnelle des surfaces rationnelles reelles -- Sur les racines d'un polynome a coefficients series formelles.