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Continuous Lattices
Proceedings of the Conference on Topological and Categorical Aspects of Continuous Lattices (Workshop IV) Held at the University of Bremen, Germany, November 9–11, 1979
Coherent frames -- The duality of distributive ?-continuous lattices -- Verfeinerungs- und Kürzungssätze für Produkte geordneter topologischer Räume und für Funktionen (-halb-) verbände -- A completion - invariant extension of the concept of continuous lattices -- Scott convergence and scott topology in partially ordered sets II -- Continuous ideal completions and compactifications -- Projective sober spaces -- Continuous posets, prime spectra of completely distributive complete lattices, and Hausdorff compactifications -- Local compactness and continuous lattices -- The spectrum as a functor -- Function spaces in the category of locales -- Scott is not always sober -- Injective toposes -- A motivation and generalization of scott's notion of a continuous lattice -- Propaedeutic to chain-complete posets with basis -- Z-Continuous algebras -- "Continuity" properties in lattices of topological structures -- Fundamental congruences on Lawson semilattices -- Wadge reducibility and Hausdorff difference hierarchy in P? -- Scott convergence and Scott topology in partially ordered sets I -- Dedekind complete posets and scott topologies -- Algebraic theories of continuous lattices.