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Huston, David L.
Brauhart, Carl W.
Critical commodities in Australia
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- Medientyp: E-Book
- Titel: Critical commodities in Australia : an assessment of extraction potential from ores
Executive summary
Scientific summary
1. Introduction and background
2. Sources of data and analytical methods
2.1 OSNACA data
2.2 Oresearch data
2.3 Limitations of data
2.4 Treatment of data
3. Extractive metallurgy
4. Results
4.1 Critical commodities present mostly in mineral systems related to mafic-ultramafic magmatism
4.2 Critical commodities present mostly in mineral systems related to granitic (and alkalic) magmatism
4.3 Critical commodities present mostly as by- or co-products from the processing of major commodities
5. Summary, conclusions and future directions
Appendix A. Analytical methods
A.1 OSNACA Analytical Techniques
A.2 Data selection
Appendix B. Analytical results
- Beteiligte: Huston, David L. [Verfasser:in]; Brauhart, Carl W. [Verfasser:in]
Canberra, A.C.T: Geoscience Australia, 2017
- Erschienen in: Geoscience Australia: Record ; 2017,14
- Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (iii, 35 Seiten); Diagramme, Karten
- Sprache: Englisch
- DOI: 10.11636/Record.2017.014
- ISBN: 9781925297553; 1925297551
- Identifikator:
Strategischer Rohstoff
Mineralischer Rohstoff
Kritischer Rohstoff > Erzlagerstätte > Rohstoffgewinnung > Cobalt > Beryllium > Seltenerdmetalllagerstätte
Geochemie > Gallium > Germanium > Indium > Molybdän > Platinmetalle
Verhüttung > Ausbringung > Rhenium > Antimon > Cadmium > Selen
Rohstoffgewinnung > Tantal > Tellur > Bismut > Zinn > Chrom
Rohstoffgewinnung > Lithium > Niob > Vanadium > Wolfram > Zink
- Entstehung:
Title from pdf title page. - Available from the website of Geoscience Australia at: www.ga.gov.au (Viewed 17 August 2017). - eCat: 108007. - Bibliography: pages 28-30 of PDF document
Volltext: PDF
System requirements: Internet connectivity, Web browser, Adobe Acrobat reader
- Beschreibung: "Consideration of samples from the large range of ore samples analysed as part of the OSNACA (Ore Samples Normalised to Average Crustal Abundance: analytical program at the Centre for Exploration Targeting at the University of Western Australia and as certified reference materials by Ore Search Pty Ltd indicates that some Australian ores have potential as sources for critical commodities as by-products or 'companion metals'. Komatiite-hosted nickel sulfide and related deposits currently produce both platinum-group elements (PGEs) and Co as by products, but PGEs are also known to be present in unconformity-related uranium deposits and some porphyry Cu deposits, and Co is known but not recovered in some sediment-hosted copper deposits. The data suggest some potential for recovery of PGEs as companion metals, although at present time such recovery is not economic". -- Online abstract
- Zugangsstatus: Freier Zugang