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Framing African development
challenging concepts
Framing African development- challenging concepts
/ Kjell HavnevikDeveloping the 'other' : perceptions of Africans and change
Misconceptions and poor understanding- the debate on poverty
/ Mats Hårsmar
Debating empowerment : a case study of knowledge practices in the development assistance committee
/ Rosalind Eyben
Beyond livelihoods : occupationality and career formation in African artisanal mining
/ Deborah Fahy Bryceson
The concept and paradoxes of displacement
/ Amanda Harnmar
Primitive accumulation : concept, similarities and varieties
/ Rune Skarstein
From food security to food sovereignty?
/ Kjell Havnevik
"This book is based on contributions t:o a series of semlnars organized by the Rural and Agrarian research cluster at the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI), Uppsala, between 2011 and 2013. - Includes bibliographical references and index