Neurosonographischer und klinischer Verlauf von distalen extra- und intrakraniellen Stenosen des vertebrobasilären Stromgebietes in einem ambulanten Patientenkollektiv
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Neurosonographischer und klinischer Verlauf von distalen extra- und intrakraniellen Stenosen des vertebrobasilären Stromgebietes in einem ambulanten Patientenkollektiv
Neurosonographic and clinical follow-up of ambulant patients with distal extracranial and intracranial stenoses of the vertebrobasilar system. Introduction: Approximately 26% of all strokes are vertebrobasilar ones. Recent studies determined a high risk for ischemic stroke in patients with intracranial stenoses of the vertebrobasilar system. This trial was to investigate the development of vertebrobasilar stenoses in an outpatient cohort. Methods: This prospective observational study included patients of our Neurovascular Outpatient Clinic, which vertebrobasilar stenoses were diagnosed at least 2 years before. All patients had a neurosonographic and clinical (NIHSS, MRS) follow-up at least for one year. Demographic data and informations about cardiovascular risk factors, comorbidities and their treatment, cognitive function (MMST) and the quality of life (EuroQol, SF36v.2.0) were obtained by standardized questionaries. Results: A total of 94 patients (median age: 69,7 years, male: 55%) with a retrospective observation period of a median of 5,5 years (2-12,9 years) were included. Hypertension was known at 97% oft he patients, dyslipidemia at 83%, nicotine abuse at 67%, diabetes mellitus at 35%, coronary heart disease at 38% and peripheral vascular disease at 27%. 75% of the patients had an ischemic stroke before starting this study, 28% within the vertebrobasilar system. Up to the follow-up, there were 2,4% strokes, that affected the anterior circulation. 63% of the stenoses ...