> Verlagsreihe
Estimating the total value of Ireland's commercial property stock Sameer Shaikh
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2024]
The financial resilience of Irish CRE borrowers Derek Lambert, Michael Mahony, and Niall McGeever
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2024]
Who uses the Help to Buy scheme? stylised facts and trends Emil Bandoni & Anuj Pratap Singh
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2024]
An overview of the consumer credit market in Ireland Edward Gaffney & Paul Lyons
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2024]
Mortgage switching through the turning of the interest rate cycle David Scott & Anuj Pratap Singh
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, April 2024
Mortgage refinancing from whom to whom? Edward Gaffney & Fergal McCann
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2024]
Debt service capacity across Irish borrowers new survey evidence Anuj Pratap Singh & Fang Yao
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2023]
Exploring missed mortgage payments in the first year of monetary tightening Sameer Shaikh, Paul Kilgarriff & Edward Gaffney
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2023]
Non-bank lenders to SMEs as a source of financial stability risk a balance sheet assessment Kitty Moloney, Paraic O'Gorman, Max O'Sullivan & Paul Reddan
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2023]
Going green the growth in green mortgage financing in Ireland Derek Lambert, Paul Lyons and James Carroll
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2023]
New survey evidence for household resilience to current shocks Fang Yao
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, 2023
Irish-Resident LDI funds and the 2022 gilt market crisis Peter Dunne, Angelica Ghiselli, Frits Ledoux & Barra McCarthy
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2023]
Interest rate sensitivity of Irish Bond funds Ilaria Gianstefani, Naoise Metadjer, Kitty Moloney
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2023]
The interest rate exposure of mortgaged Irish households David Byrne, Fergal McCann and Edward Gaffney
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2023]
Household resilience to expenditure and debt service channels under current inflationary conditions Tamanna Adhikari and Fang Yao
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2023]
How resilient are Irish SMEs to input cost inflation? Tamanna Adhikari and Niall McGeever
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2023]
An estimate of climate-related transition risk in Irish mortgage lending Tamanna Adhikari, James Carroll and Derek Lambert
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2023]
Enterprise policy issues for distressed businesses following the unwinding of pandemic supports Fergal McCann and Niall McGeever
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2022]
Mortgage credit and house prices evidence to inform macroprudential policy Filippo Arigoni, Fergal McCann, Fang Yao
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [October 2022]
The great account migration lessons from behavioural economics Brendan Beere, Shane Byrne, Jane Kelly and Anuj Pratap Singh
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [October 2022]
SME credit conditions in the pandemic recovery Elena Durante and Niall McGeever
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2022]
Risk weights on non-financial corporate lending by irish retail banks Paul Lyons & Jonathan Rice
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2022]
Risk weights on irish mortgages Paul Lyons & Jonathan Rice
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2022]
Climate risks in the financial system an overview of channels, impact and heterogeneity James Carroll
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2022]
Wage subsidy utilisation by irish companies Derek Lambert, Niall McGeever, and Eoghan O'Brien
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2022]
Did public debt assets improve the resilience of money market funds during the COVID-19 crisis? Peter G. Dunne and Raffaele Giuliana
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [June 2022]
Inflation and mortgage repayments the household expenditure channel Tamanna Adhikari
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [August 2022]
Loan-to-income limits and mortgage lending outcomes Edward Gaffney
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [October 2022]
Rising construction costs and the residential real estate market in ireland Filippo Arigoni, Gerard Kennedy & Neill Killeen
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [October 2022]
Non-bank mortgage lending in Ireland recent developments and macroprudential considerations Edward Gaffney, Christina Hennessy and Fergal McCann
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2022]
Rising interest rates and higher inflation implications for the banking sector Joe Morell, Frances Shaw, Paul Lyons and Fergal McCann
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [November 2022]
The SME-lender relationship network in ireland Edward Gaffney and Niall McGeever
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2022]
Identifying and assessing systemic risks in Ireland a review of the central bank's toolkit Niamh Hallissey, Neill Killeen & Michael Wosser
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [November 2022]
Irish mortgage payment breaks extensions and expirations Jane Kelly, Paul Lyons, Eoghan O'Brien & Jonathan Rice
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2021]
Bank and non-bank financial institutions' cross-border linkages new evidence from international banking data Lorenz Emter, Neill Killeen, Peter McQuade
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, June 2021
The economics of mortgage debt relief during a pandemic Edward Gaffney, Fergal McCann and Johannes Stroebel
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, July 2021
The cost of housing and indebtedness across European and OECD households Jane Kelly, Gerard Kennedy and Derek Lambert
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, October 2021
Property funds and the Irish commercial real estate market Pierce Daly, Kitty Moloney and Samantha Myers
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, February 2021
COVID-19 and the commercial real estate market in Ireland Gerard Kennedy, Neill Killeen, Alexandros Skouralis, Sofia Velasco, Michael Wosser
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, June 2021
An lonn dubh disentangling market liquidity risk for Irish investment funds Pawel Fiedor and Stamatoula Fragkou
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2021]
Long-term mortgage arrears analytical evidence for policy consideration Jane Kelly; Paul Lyons; Fergal McCann; Eoghan O'Brien
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, July 2021
The macroeconomic channels of macroprudential mortgage policies David Aikman, Robert Kelly, Fergal McCann, Fang Yao
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2021]
A financial stability perspective on the first home shared equity scheme Órla De Búrca, Robert Kelly & Eoin O'Brien
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [November 2021]
Growth at risk & financial stability Martin O'Brien and Michael Wosser
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, April 2021
Mortgage lending in Ireland during the 2010s Edward Gaffney and Christina Kinghan
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, October 2021
Which firms took COVID-19 payment breaks? David Duignan and Niall McGeever
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2020]
COVID-19 and the transmission of shocks through domestic supply chains Fergal McCann and Samantha Myers
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2020]
SME liquidity needs during the COVID-19 shock McGeever, McQuinn, Myers
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2020]
Releasing the CCyB to support the economy in a time of stress Giorgia De Nora, Eoin O'Brien and Martin O'Brien
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, April 2020
COVID-19 payment breaks on residential mortgages Edward Gaffney and Darren Greaney
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2020]
Differential pricing the economics and international evidence Shane Byrne and Yvonne McCarthy
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, November 2020
External balance sheet risks in Ireland, part II Vahagn Galstyan and Valerie Herzberg
Dublin, Ireland: [Central Bank of Ireland], [2020]
SME finances, the pandemic, and the design of enterprise support policies Derek Lambert, Fergal McCann, John McQuinn, Samantha Myers, Fang Yao
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2020]
Resolving mortgage distress after COVID-19 some lessons from the last crisis Fergal McCann and Terry O'Malley
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2020]
Repricing of risk and EME assets the behaviour of Irish-domiciled funds during the COVID-19 crisis Silvia Calò, Lorenz Emter, and Vahagn Galstyan
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2020]
Mapping market-based finance in Ireland Simone Cima, Neill Killeen and Vasileios Madouros
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
Have first-time buyers continued to default less? Raffaele Giuliana
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
Mortgage servicing burdens and LTI caps Jane Kelly & Elena Mazza
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
Mortgage borrowers at the loan-to-income limit Edward Gaffney
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
A profile of non-performing Irish SME loans Niall McGeever
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
Lending above macroprudential mortgage limits the Irish experience since 2015 Christina Kinghan and Fergal McCann
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
Real-estate concentration in the Irish banking system Paul Lyons, Ciarán Nevin and Frances Shaw
[Dublin]: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
Securitisation special purpose entities' use of derivatives new evidence from Ireland Paweł Fiedor and Neill Killeen
[Dublin]: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
An overview of the Irish housing market Gerard Kennedy and Samantha Myers
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
Mortgage repayment affordability across the income distribution Jane Kelly & Elena Mazza
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
A vulnerability analysis of Irish SME credit exposures Niall McGeever
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
The future of global financial centres after Brexit an EU perspective Silvia Calò and Valerie Herzberg
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
An Lonn Dubh: a framework for macroprudential stress testing of investment funds Paweł Fiedor and Petros Katsoulis
[Dublin]: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
A measure of bindingness in the Irish mortgage market Robert Kelly & Elena Mazza
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
Who invests in the Irish commercial real estate market? an overview of non-bank institutional ownership of Irish CRE Dermot Coates, Pierce Daly, Enda Keenan, Gerard Kennedy, and Barra McCarthy
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
Fixed-rate mortgages: building resilience or generating risk? Jane Kelly and Samantha Myers
[Dublin]: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
The role of country factors in the 2018 EBA stress test Benedetta Bianchi
[Dublin]: Central Bank of Ireland, [2019]
Macroprudential measures and Irish mortgage lending an overview of 2017 Christina Kinghan, Paul Lyons, Elena Mazza
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2018]
Residential property price segments and mortgage finance Edward Gaffney
[Dublin]: Central Bank of Ireland, [2018]
Macroprudential measures and Irish mortgage lending insights from H1 2018 Christina Kinghan
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2018]
Long-term mortgage arrears in Ireland Terry O'Malley
[Dublin]: Central Bank of Ireland, [2018]
Cures and exits: the drivers of NPL resolution in Ireland from 2012 to 2017 Fergal McCann and Niall McGeever
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2018]
Measuring and mitigating cyclical systemic risk in Ireland the application of the countercyclical capital buffer Eoin O'Brien, Martin O'Brien, Sofia Velasco
[Dublin]: Central Bank of Ireland, [2018]
Irish retail bank profitability 2003-2018 Ciarán Nevin
[Dublin]: Central Bank of Ireland, [2018]
An overview of interest-only mortgages in Ireland Edward Gaffney, Christina Kinghan and Ciarán Nevin
[Dublin]: Central Bank of Ireland, [2018]
A vulnerability analysis for mortgaged Irish households Vasilis Tsiropoulos
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2018]
External balance sheet risks in Ireland Vahagn Galstyan and Valerie Herzberg
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2018]
International bank flows and bank business models since the crisis Valerie Herzberg and Peter McQuade
Dublin, Ireland: Central Bank of Ireland, [2018]