Hersteller der Reproduktion:
Braunschweig: Georg-Eckert-Institut - Leibniz-Insitut für internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2020
GEI Braunschweig: SU Z-5(1,72)1
3аказ № 219
In kyrillischer Schrift, Text russisch
This collection includes standard curricula for evening (shift) secondary general education schools for full-time education (the duration of the academic year is 36 and 28 weeks), correspondence courses for master classes, as well as the curriculum for evening (shift) schools with correspondence courses training for seafarers, with exemplary timetables for the transition to new courses in social sciences, history, Russian, literature, and foreign languages. When developing all versions of curricula, the new curriculum of a secondary general education school was taken as a basis and the number of hours for studying most subjects was approximately equal to that of a mass school.