Nach Informationen von SSRN wurde die ursprüngliche Fassung des Dokuments February 14, 2007 erstellt
We compute the Shareholder Value Creation of Santander, BBVA, Popular and Bankinter between 1991 and 2006. The shareholder value creation during this period was: Santander 20.7 billion euros; BBVA 25.4; Popular 13.4 and Bankinter 3.9.The average shareholder return was: Santander 18.7%; BBVA 20.1%; Popular 19.3% and Bankinter 18.1%, all higher than that of the IBEX 35 (15.4%). However, the weighted shareholder return (taking into consideration the number of shares outstanding at different dates) was quite different: Santander 14%; BBVA 17%; Popular 20.7% and Bankinter 19.5%