Atella, Vincenzo
Holly, Alberto
[Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft];
Mistretta, Alessandro
[Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]
Disentangling Adverse Selection, Moral Hazard and Supply Induced Demand
Nach Informationen von SSRN wurde die ursprüngliche Fassung des Dokuments May 1, 2016 erstellt
In the healthcare sector, Selection (S), Moral Hazard (MH) and Supply Induced Demand (SID) are three very important phenomena affecting patients' behavior. Despite there exists a vast theoretical and empirical literature on these phenomena, so far, no contribution has been able to approach them jointly. This is mostly due to difficulties in modelling the joint determinants of health service utilization and health insurance choice by means of a tractable structural simultaneous equation model. In this paper, we provide a solution to this problem and estimate a simultaneous four equation structural model with four latentvariables, where the first two equations are meant to deal with the adverse selection issue, while the third and fourth equation deal with moral hazard and SID issues. By doing so, our model seeks to identify causal effects while correcting for selection and endogeneity with the observational data we have. A closed form solution for the likelihood function - which guarantees an exact solution - is maximized via FIML, using a large cross-sectional dataset collected by the Italian national institute of statistic (ISTAT). The empirical analysis has con rmed the theoretical predictions of our structural model. In particular, we find evidence of selection in the choice of private insurance and SID, but do not find MH behavior on the patient side. These results are extremely important from a health policy perspective, given the existing international debate on the development of a second pillar in the fi nancing of the healthcare system